Monday, March 23, 2009

this weekend mar 26th on....

things to do this weekend . . .
So as I arrived back from the wonderfully boring
landscape of downtown Orlando, I realized, I have
a hefty plate of “to do” items back in NYC.

I have to prep for a tentatively scheduled
“Antagonist Art Movement” show in
The L.E.S. (wow, I’m so trendy, I’ll be
Sure to wear my skinny jeans, and hipster
Glasses!) So I am genuinely excited for that.

At the Marianne boesky gallery
The works of Yoshitomo Nara are
Being displayed from feb 28th till March 28th,

This week down to OULU in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. to have some farewell
drinks with my friend, Iris, who is a philanthropic
sweetheart going off to teach English to students
in Thailand. Go Iris, go!

Also check out,
The KRAZY! Showing at the JAPAN SOCIETY
Remember Fridays are free 6-9

Friday night, my home girl DJ Xio will be dj’ing
At REVOLUTION! At the Bruckner Bar

Although, my satuday night is free (so far),
let's see what's happening then,
hope to see you ppl out there, supporting the arts...


1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow. You definitely have a much more exciting social life than me. :-)

But I'm looking to hear more about this show you'll be in.