these past few weeks. The Antagonist Art show was
a success, all my 30 plus business cards were taken,
didn't receive one phone call or e-mail from anyone,
so I assume everyone used the cards as throwing stars
and/or alternate toothpicks with the nearby pizzeria.
(Hell i got one free sicilian and a drink comped!)
Anyhoo, with that dangerous headfirst plunge into
the artist society, (I'm more of the fringe type since
I'm so hip NO ONE knows about me) I had to go out and plan
what to do next. I have a friendly interplay with Antagonist Art
Movement people (michelle, Un and all) so I was flattered when
they said it was cool if I wanted to continue doing work with them.
Apparently the art director for the Ramones liked my stuff,
so that was very cool to know. Next project on my slab is now
going into hyper mode.
Going into the Antagonist art deal again though,
I'm working on writing a short film for them that will be artistic
and trippy and just plain watchable. I'm working with Mike Robayo,
you can check out some of his reels like this one right here...!
I've handed in the black and white images for a twisted comic book
my friend Danny albert has writen (Now I have two other books
I will work on with him.)

I am writing (!) a series of illustrated novels
with my artistic hero Winnie Chang. She was a
manhua artist in Korea, but got burnt out by it all.
She is giving me all the notes and basically,
I am going to pretty it up with words while she
does all the gorgeous art.
You can check out her site @
Other than that I've seen some really messed up
stuff too, and I'll update on that later. The nyc transit
system is probably hell on rails. That last ying yang battle
I saw was topped by the utter ugly side of humanity
when ... ah I don't want to get into that into this blog,
the next one... here are some puppies.

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